Contributors to Aught, No. 3

Rob Faivre lives in upstate New York, where he has been in service as a knowledge-worker for the past decade. His chapbook Looking for The Lost was published in 1996; his manuscript Roadsides is in circulation. His poems have made appearances in Talisman, Notre Dame Review, and Hazardous Materials Review.

Dina Alexander is a previously unpublished poet.

Manny Sáenz-Reyes is from Las Vegas and has grown to enjoy most mango-flavored food products but he is currently studying in NYC and is in training to be the "It Boy" for March 2001 -- so please exploit him kindly.

Lucas Bernhardt was born in Fort Knox, KY (on the base). He has a BA in English from Portland State University. His work has been published in about a dozen or so magazines. He's currently working as a resident counselor in a group home for adults with psychiatric disabilities in what he thinks of as his home town, San Luis Obispo, CA.

Dolores Grey works and writes for a major trade journal and is working on a new manuscript of her poetry.

Matthew Herper is a recent graduate of M.I.T. and has had work in the web publication flim.

JB Mulligan is married, three children. Poems and stories in dozens of magazines over the last two decades plus, including recently The Rose & Thorn and Ducttape.

Jean-Paul Jenack has held a variety of jobs, including school teacher, college professor, TV writer/director, choreographer, street juggler, circus performer and freelance writer. For the past 15 years he has worked as Executive Director of the National Circus Project, a non-profit arts organization based in New York. His poetry and other writings have appeared in over 100 books, magazines and journals, and he has received numerous grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York State Council on the Arts for his work as an artist-in-schools. In 1990, he received a congressional commendation for "helping to further the cause of international understanding" through his work in organizing US/USSR cultural exchange programs (U.S. Congressional Record, 5/23/90). He has poetry currently appearing or forthcoming in print in The Best Poems of 1998, blood & feathers, Cicada, Piedmont Literary Review, Point Judith Light, and The Wicked, and online in Anthology, Ascent Magazine, The Astrophysicist's Tango Partner Speaks, Calliope, Conspire, Dream Forge e-Maga-Weba-Zine, Haiku Light, Pogonip, and Word Salad.

Zane Ivy is from the US, but for most of his adult life has lived in Japan, Saudi Arabia, Micronesia, and Korea - where he currently resides. He is an artist/poet/musician/teacher and member of A-LinK (Artists Living in Korea) and SAN (Seoul Artists' Network). His poetry has been published in Japan, Korea, England, the US, and cyberspace. You can see another of his poems in Agnieszka's Dowry.

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