Aught, no. 10 (2003)

kari edwards

hooker green or the sky is always higher

recently I looked like an identity, or recently have been thinking language like an experimental conference — cast into "hi my name's . . ."  and I stick too, think about "talking dirty desire pornography" (and something with wiggle room) — in general need gilligan’s island, wishing I saw/heard half of the new color green. find language in a situation, a sky, a someone in a group that privileges identity gossip over, longer possible pointing to which is never permanent but boundless in action pathology. have cast someone into a thing, and as much as anything, looked like a hungry ghost, live in linear ha ha language. ("will robinson take me if you are what I think about it.")

recently I looked the same. if there is "it" and that new color green. comes with lo-and-behold verbs that recognize the newborn's saying (I am a situation, I am a panel, which is applied to say another way that uses social gatherings to say. "hi my name’s identity hi my name's complete absence," I find a new new color green, like ginger or I am a situation) which happens with digital voice overs, with watching gilligan’s island, wishing options are o.k., saying (a gender is not the position, but a situation, action, cheap and alien) I think if there is half of a willing surface I will be able to situate the new new color green.


t b cubrite with rest ringers

the price tag was missing, something went, curtailed, had never been, turned around and didn't see, the bread box was empty, something like, chased the pieces down the street into a raging continuum, every last one. prelashed prices, every item must go to places, newer and better to be replaced by extra bleeding items, to be replaced by. didn't leave a return address, packed their bags. it's that them-us-both-of-them the entire down the block across the tracks from the misdirection, it's them-me-you-us-that-all-of-them us both-of-them who said — "why didn't you." then one of them said "good bye. been nice, over there is one more," (pick one of the above). in the sewer, on the streets, in the battle over peptide autographs, swashbuckling drag kings or queens, the duke and duchess scenarios. some, replaced by newer better registered, cataloged with proper retrofitting more to come later. rockets red glare. sometimes I will give have given, will be piled on top — disaster relief behaviors at the dinner table ... maybe, if I could if I said, if I, if I would I said I would. the periodic table. something was there with its clip-on plastic indicators, those loophole disinfectants. I got it, maybe it is it, it, you us that them both of us, a long list of grade "A," B, C, one million and seventy five longing(s) or desires or something missing that could, that in effect. thousands stood, others waited. all I have is, then nothing more.

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