Aught, no. 10 (2003)

Cynthia Marie

Cherry Lane Classifieds

       Caregivers machinists
Apply in person

St. John's high school's last prom dance
               for tickets see Jason or Ashlee

                            Ten thousand yellow tricycles

      Customized backyard Sun Decks call Sam

Sail the Aegean Sea
                              find love
             Will pay for white gold cameo earrings
    Sugar cane and silly putty

Mississippi lady ISO Alabama gentleman
                         responds to all handwritten letters

Pleasant receptionist desired
Half price Te Amos

Red leather gloves
Shiny White Caprice mint condition
Almost priceless Blue wedding quilt.

Janey Gate's thrift shop grand opening ~ coffee

Lovable Ramble Lost Reward $176.67!

Aunt Doris gone fishin'
please phone
Passports Easels
Blue talk Smoky laughter

Kafka Fellowship abstract due
Secret chocolate torte recipe
Lovely MotherMaryFullOfGrace mass cards

Mrs. Lela Thompson's butter beans, shelled

Slim femme and free pens

Ashes to Art

***Open House fourth Sunday.


Author's note
"My muse is the poem 'Mail Order Catalogue', by Shelly Reed. Her poem is unique and calls up the many catalogues I love to read before drifting off to sleep."

Copyright © 2003, by the author. All rights reserved.
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