Aught, no. 11/12 (2003)
August Highland
Typeloop #0001 (excerpt)
muse please your verse loop for me
Hearts said why hang Alexander grow enamored milkmaid
surly faithful exquisitely mild Well well all methods
Intelligence wealth found roaring lions excited queue streets
occasion two old totally ladies taken made describe all added
signature humbugging chivalry proceeding aloud ye maunna speak
wound Hearts wound Hearts employment every said why hang
Alexander grow said why hang Alexander grow extravagance such
cause ten-pound ladies taken enamored milkmaid enamored milkmaid
note always came sect Zwingli Einsiedeln surly faithful surly
faithful all duties very smallest intellect exquisitely mild Well
well all exquisitely mild Well well all belonged time will taken
degree guardian roaring lions gate roaring lions axe rusting
Ah dear axe sighed thus queue streets occasion two old records
succeeding rebuke Get thee queue streets occasion two old drinking
former honori contrarius ladies taken tenants bosom all ladies
taken hold first rank first prizes suspicion humbugging chivalry
woman loves know must taken washing pot walloping humbugging
chivalry chances all descend heated place towards dawn end
fortnight much sooner expected chances all dissuade extravagance
such cause ten-pound same impetuous warmhearted extravagance such
cause ten-pound visit recesses bank parlour Lombard Peter note
always came town rights all note always came Street sublime
devotion sighed all duties very smallest intellect unicycle all
duties very smallest intellect epochial discoveries belonged
Thirdly few houses built mostly belonged hastened stated
disturbed watching Faith earthly goodness axe rusting Ah dear axe
sighed useful errands offices finer young axe rusting Ah dear axe
sighed districts takes whether drinking night men complexion
greyish drinking country hoisted colours republic hold first rank
first prizes TABLET TWELFTH hold first rank first prizes again
Typeloop #0002 (excerpt)
muse please your verse loop for me
see sun rise Field Marshal flattered interest young
Baroness eagerness weep suffer wear piteous mourning mystery
features become coarser-dissipation cloud spray excited gave birth
totally small enough women nothing spite Vivian choose presume
late growing bed generally see sun rise generally see sun rise
acquaintance chief attraction Field Marshal flattered interest
Field Marshal flattered interest acknowledge authority course
small young Baroness young Baroness redeem pledge little will
still better eagerness eagerness Reisenberg Papa
extending hand Madame Carolina evidently took official
representative using mystery will mystery convalescene means
thus cloud spray excited gave birth satisfied cloud spray excited
gave birth usual even best circles Flatheads small habitual
object small now illustrious brothers down much Vivian
choose presume late bottles scents essences seized also pervaded
Vivian choose presume late continued Grand Duke let opinion leave
imagine thinks acquaintance assiduous care bathed throbbing
acquaintance continued Grand Duke let dissuade acknowledge
authority course being shut up understanding acknowledge authority
course hours good reality Chinese patriotism given redeem
pledge town things one time leaving another redeem pledge
singularly hot autumn very light Mongolia also staff Reisenberg Papa
unicycle Reisenberg Papa heaven hateful life
remain outstanding Madame Carolina evidently took inclined dub
himself warrior Madame Carolina evidently took convalescene means
feelings those convalescene means some worried equestrian
suddenly whether functions form slink away annoying yell
imagine such now illustrious brothers discover hidden meaning
now illustrious brothers immediately Baroness surrounded all
favorite Sixtus Jerome Riario continued Grand Duke let CLASH
continued Grand Duke let dandies remarking continued Grand
Duke let will tend continued Grand Duke let really Beckendorff
whom heard society right reason hours good west coast hours good
much within toils old Cunningham singularly hot autumn very light
ensues gateway singularly hot autumn very light demanding games
chance prohibited heaven hateful transfixed heaven hateful
kicking up awful row hotel-yard cautiously know all exclaimed
Baron voluntary Others some worried equestrian suddenly dear
apparently some worried equestrian suddenly quickly looking up
strange thoughts slink away annoying yell mount horse return
Typeloop #0003 (excerpt)
muse please your verse loop for me
duplicity caution shown poignant still stand between
dying boys having ascertained animal one can take remained where
previous crack ice staring tearless agony terrified totally group
intervals Anderson wielded hazel twig face nature displays only
most travellers changed plan movement spite duplicity caution shown
spite duplicity caution shown favoured climates lively curiosity
all social advantages alliance group intervals bestow-free
haunted place place scarce place poignant still stand between dying
poignant still stand between dying sounds well believe escorted
boys having ascertained animal sent Jesuit boys having
ascertained animal just tale mere noration said interferes
remained where absolutely forbidding remained where Tom two ways
thus staring tearless agony terrified very point time hurled myself
staring tearless agony terrified jewelry appended gold watch chain
group intervals distract attention thinking every group intervals
nether limbs soft persuasive aspect meekness face nature displays
only most converting antagonist kind leave paid last honours all
possible face nature displays only most hymenial altar dressed
exactly those question favoured climates lot money can damn
please More favoured climates hymenial altar dressed exactly
dissuade all social advantages alliance morning bearing mind hurry
all social advantages alliance going tell sure ask sure get
picture merchandise delivered bestow-free town living bestow-
free suffered material injury joy knew greatest importance thing
thus unicycle bounds gentlemen just tale mere noration said
proceed just tale mere noration said hid floor cabin Such
talents Tom two ways regretting death law imposes act Tom two ways
wife dishonoured may leave home whether jewelry appended gold
watch chain travel eastward find home Grand mill Somerville heartily
sorry jewelry appended gold watch chain leave Robertson nether
limbs troops nether limbs reverence priest nation honor
prowess same hymenial altar dressed exactly antiquarian rather
hymenial altar dressed exactly sail seen skimming surface like sea
love heap benefits merely because hymenial altar dressed exactly
hymenial altar dressed exactly bird Often going tell sure ask
sure get Jesus Christ going tell sure ask sure get house naked
sand-bar sparkling suffered material injury joy knew themselves
even suffered material injury joy knew glowing heat taken away
promised replaced bounds presence let former bounds recollected
sometimes ridiculed Christian Platonist also influenced hid
floor cabin Such talents attack overthrow Medo-Persian power hid
floor cabin Such talents parsimonious insists solaces communicates
wife dishonoured may leave home mysterious source score throats
wife dishonoured may leave home related these other tales author
little village distant Syria Mary leave righteousness seem filthy
rags all leave mostly such sombre-looking guard-house reverence
priest past stings heart reverence priest land quite event
little else Rest easy cried Dunwoodie sail seen skimming surface
like sea ADDISON sail seen skimming surface like sea talked evening
bird Often died last long while lodgers got bird Often formed
part hard path neither husband half despair gone back house naked
sand-bar sparkling student philosophy hasten reply house naked sand-
bar sparkling changed position nor escape found situation still
glowing heat nothing live like lady even some glowing heat
changed position nor tones guard features betray joy recollected
Copyright © 2003, by the author.
All rights reserved.
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