Aught, no. 8 (2002)
Andrew Jecklin
it often speaks in chimeras
having gotten mixed up
in zones
contacts where live
subconscious irritants
arranged attempts with the help
of stricture the child
overcomes inertia besides the
perceived as something
to replace the mark
an orientation
to destroy
with an aspiration
for districts
and pawns
as local shows
far away from being
the no one answers
him(it) by the way
having shown people
can not only form
but leave
the scene of the crime
all during life
afterall we face (collide) another (others)
territory (people) caught in
the precise clear answer to grasp
to trouble with
even being completely alien to his(its) own
spiritual warehouse
the child(it) usually puts on clothes
for weight and secret sense
negative ecology
to kindle the ice of antartica
to hang up above a planet
a mirror that's always day
is not casual and how she manages
to involve in the orbit
rather sizable groups of people
as in a basket
an ability beyond me
what she does with the native landscape
interrelations between tomato plant
and squash magnolia an ability to live
and thrive anywhere
© 2002, by the author. All rights reserved.
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